

Passport Legacy Lebanon had the pleasure to hold a lavish cocktail reception in the heart of Beirut

Passport Legacy Lebanon had the pleasure to hold a lavish cocktail reception in the heart of Beirut

Passport Legacy Lebanon had the pleasure to hold a lavish cocktail reception in the heart of Beirut at Eau De Vie, Intercontinental Phoenicia on the evening of Wednesday the 26th of October.

The scope of the event was to shed the light on their Residence & Citizenship by Investment programs.

As Mr. Jose Charo, Beirut managing partner welcomed the guests through his speech, Mr. Jeffrey Henseler, the founder, gave a keynote speech about the future of the investment migration industry as well as the director Mr.Benjamin Eisenring.

The event was attended by a distinctive crowd of socialites, politicians, CEOs, business partners, stakeholders and clients of the company along with media & press.

During the event, Remy Martin offered the invitees an exclusive tasting experience of their Louis XIII cognac.


Passport Legacy is a Swiss advisory boutique firm with 25 years of combined experience in the residence and citizenship by investment programs. The company’s main headquarters is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  @passportlegacylebanon    +961 71 407 407